Dr. Steve Estep: Called to Preach
1h 7m
Rev. Dr. Steve Estep is the pastor of Marion, Ohio Church of the Nazarene. He reflects on the call and task of preaching and how to nurture this call in others.
Resource list
"Preaching" - Fred Craddock
"Preaching in the Spirit" Dennis Kinlaw
"Preaching the Story that Shapes Us" - Dan Boone
"The Like to Never Quit Praisin' God" - Frank Thomas
"Transforming the Stone" Barbara Lundblad
"Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art" Barbara Lundblad
"Preaching as Art" Darius Salter
"Homiletical Plot" - Eugene Lowry
"Dancing on the Edge of Mystery" Eugene Lowry
"The Preaching Life" - Barbara Brown Taylor
"Bread of Angels" - Barbara Brown Taylor
"Finally Comes The Poet" - Walter Brueggemann
"The Word Militant" Walter Brueggemann
"Peculiar Speech: Preaching to the Baptized" - William Willimon
"The Intrusive Word: Preaching to the Unbaptized" - William Willimon
"Undone by Easter" - William Willimon
For creativity/structure:
"Ten Strategies for Preaching to to Multi-media Culture" - Thomas Troeger
"How to Preach a Parable" Eugene Lowry
Online/Exegetical Resources:
Plain Account
Bible Hub (good interlinear and original language tools)
Patheos.com (Alyce Mckenzie)
New Beacon Bible Commentary
New International Commentary