Nurturing Care

Nurturing Care

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Nurturing Care
  • Generative Care

    Point Loma Nazarene University Emeritus Professor, Dr. G. Michael Leffel, provides a brief introduction to generative care, the primary virtue that guides both PLNU and Nurturing Care’s virtue formation project on the West Coast. You can read more from Dr. Leffel at the following link https://did...

  • Virtues Overview

    Point Loma Nazarene Professor, Dr. Ross Oakes Mueller provides a brief overview of the PLNU Moral Integration project. The project provides the basic background for Nurturing Care’s West Coast emphasis on virtue formation with children through worship and prayer practices, nurturing generative ca...

  • Navigating Terminology Around Neurodiversity

  • Changes in Children's Ministry

    Dr. Dean Blevins, Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship, shares about the changes that have taken place in children's ministry over the last several years, and how we are entering a new period in how we think about children. In addition, Dr. Blevins discusses the work of Nurt...

  • The Three Phases in Children's Spirituality

    Dr. Dean Blevins, Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship, briefly discusses three phases in children's spirituality, and how our thinking is changing.

  • What is a Maker's Space?

    Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director and Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship, explains what is meant by the phrase Maker's Space as this relates to the work of Nurturing Care with Children in Worship and Prayer.

  • Update on Fall '24 Maker's Space Event

    Dr. Dean Blevins, Nurturing Care Director and Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship, shares about the latest Maker's Space event for Nurturing Care with Children in Worship and Prayer, which took place in September 2024.

  • Stephanie Barton - Full Interview

    Stephanie L. Barton, Med CCC-SLP serves as a Speech Language Pathologist helping individuals with Autism and Selective Mutism reach their full potential. She is a practitioner and advocate for providing access to communication utilizing Spelling to Communicate Methodology to those who suffer from...

  • Challenges to Inclusion

    Stephanie Answer co-founded New Community Church with her husband Daryl. In this clip, Stephanie discusses the ways her son and New Community Church have grown together and integrated an understanding of autism into how they worship.

    Watch the full interview with Stephanie Answer here:

  • Stephanie Answer - Full Interview

    Stephanie Answer serves as a co-minister with her husband Daryl Answer at New Community Church, a gathering of spiritual families providing holistic ministry in the Ivanhoe neighborhood of Kansas City.

    Stephanie also champions the use of Spelling 2 Communicate...

  • Non-Speaking and Minimally Speaking Autistic Children

    Speech Pathologist and S2C practitioner Stephanie Barton joins with Stephanie Answer, a parent and ministry team leader at New Community Church, to explain how to best understand both nonspeaking and minimally speaking autistic children. Barton utilizes a new method, Spelling 2 Communicate (S2C),...

  • What Is Autism?

    Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage, and Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological on What is Autism.

    Kelly Lee co-founded Camp Encourage in 2007 due to the community expressing a dire need for a quality overnight camp opp...

  • Myths About Autism

    Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders and Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage

    Kris Mitchell is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has worked with children since 1992 in various capacities in both ch...

  • Nurturing Care and Barriers to Care

    Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kelly Lee, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Camp Encourage, and Kris Mitchell, LMFT, with the Joshua Center for Neurological on Barriers to Care.

    Kelly Lee co-founded Camp Encourage in 2007 due to the community expressing a dire need for a quality overnight camp o...

  • Engaging Autism in the Church

    A conversation with Kris Mitchell and Kelly Lee on how the local church can practically engage children with autism.

  • Kelly Lee - Full Interview

    Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Kelly Lee.

    Kelly Lee co-founded Camp Encourage in 2007 due to the community expressing a dire need for a quality overnight camp opportunity for autistic children and due to their leadership in a similar camp in the Kansas City area.

    Kelly received an undergraduate de...

  • Kris Mitchell - Full Interview

    Interview with Kris Mitchell (Joshua Center for Neurological Disorders) about autism.

    Kris is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has worked with children since 1992 in various capacities in both church and clinical settings. He has overseen programming and events that provided children...

  • Session 1: The Absence and Ignoring of Autistic People in Church

    In this first session, Dr. van Ommen oriented the audience to the major themes of his most recent book Autism and Worship: A Liturgical Theology.

    Dr. van Ommen noted that autistic children are 50-70% less likely to attend religious services than others in their age groups. This statistic merely ...

  • Session 2: Non- And Minimally-Speaking Autistic People in Church

    The second session of our NTS Nurturing Care/KC initiative included a presentation by Dr. Léon van Omme: Non- and Minimally-Speaking Autistic People in Church.

    Beginning with a method of having minimally speaking autistic participants indicate via photos what they thought was important in the ch...

  • Autism and Worship

    Dr. Dean Blevins interviews Armand Léon van Ommen on his book "Autism and Worship: A Liturgical Theology" in connection with the Nurturing Care grant.

    In Autism and Worship, Armand Léon van Ommen offers an in-depth analysis of the absence and ignoring of, but also the presence of, autistic peopl...