Biblical Justice

Biblical Justice

Biblical Justice
  • Moving Towards Anti-Racism in the Church

    Rev. Christine Hung and Dr. Brandon Winstead join Dr. Jesse Middendorf in a conversation about the history of black participation in the Church of the Nazarene and how to collaborate on anti-racist initiatives going forward.

  • Rev. Chet Bush: Called to the Fire

    Dr. Jesse Middendorf talks to Pastor Chet Bush about being a long time pastor in the South and how the Church can take meaningful action towards racial justice. Bush is also the author of Called to the Fire which is the true story of Dr. Charles Johnson, an African American preacher who went to ...

  • Systemic Racism: A Canadian Perspective

    Pastor Stuart Williams of Skyview Community Church in Calgary ( shares a discussion he had with Dr. Monetta Bailey and Dr. Colin Toffelmire of Ambrose University about what systemic racism is and how Christians can respond to the problem of racism present in society today.

  • Rev. Rebecca Lum: Creativity, Confidence and Companioning

    Rev. Rebecca Lum's address on Confidence is part two of a pre-conference workshop for women clergy held on the Mid America Nazarene campus during a 2016 Pastors and Leaders Conference. The conference theme was 'Creativity, Confidence, and Companioning: Vital Development in Times of Change.' At th...

  • Joanne Solis-Walker & Dan Walker: Church Engagement in Racial Reconciliation

    This webinar explores strategies for exploring and implementing biblical justice in the Church from Dr. Joanne Solis-Walker & Dr. Dan Walker. This session was recorded in partnership with the NOW Movement as part of the May We Be One Webinar event in August 2020. Download Group Discussion Guide: ...

  • Rev. Albert and Rev. Christine Hung: Their Journey and Ministry

    In this 2017 NTS chapel, Dr. Dean Blevins, Albert Hung, and Christine Hung, talk about Albert's new role as the Northern California District Superintendent. Topics addressed in the discussion include Multi-congregational and Multiracial congregations.

  • A Hopeful Conversation about the Nazarene Church’s Young Clergy

    Revs. Brit and Aaron Bolerjack, seminal figures for the young clergy movement and network that has formed in the Church of the Nazarene in recent years, dialogue about their hope for the Church's future and the place of younger clergy in it.